Title: Senior Robotics Engineer

Company: Monogram Technologies

Education: Master’s Degree in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Arizona State University (2018); Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna (2016)Career History: Senior Robotics Engineer, Monogram Technologies (2019-Present); Graduate Assistant, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University (2018); Summer Intern, Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) (2015-2015); Student Intern, Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) (2014)

Sanath Vurelli, Senior Robotics Engineer at Monogram Technologies, has been recognized as a Marquis Emerging Leader for their contributions and achievements in the field of engineering.

Born and raised in India, Mr. Vurelli developed an interest in the relatively new field of robotics while in high school; upon graduating, he attended the Indian Institute of Technology to pursue a degree in electrical and electronics engineering as it aligned closely with the industry. While studying, he gained firsthand experience as a student intern at the Electronics Corporation of India Limited and a summer intern at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he had the opportunity to work with rockets in a laboratory setting, before ultimately earning a Bachelor of Technology in 2016.

Striving to expand his expertise, Mr. Vurelli subsequently relocated to the United States and studied at Arizona State University, where he earned a master’s degree in electrical, electronics, and communications engineering with a specialization in control systems and served as a graduate assistant within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering in 2018. Wanting to continue his education with a PhD, he was advised, however, by professors at the university to fain more professional experience first. Facing challenges in securing a job in the robotics field, he connected with Ben Jackson, who is now his chief executive officer, at an early-stage robotics company, Monogram Orthopaedics. This startup, which began with a specialization in robotic knee replacements and implant design, provided him with a unique chance to learn and make a significant impact on developing products, which are currently being submitted to the FDA and awaiting approval. The company’s work has positively affected more than 50 surgeons, providing an experience unlike any other for him.

Mr. Vurelli has excelled as a senior robotics engineer at what has now been rebranded Monogram Technologies since 2019, where he develops software and integrates hardware to assist surgeons during procedures. Among his many responsibilities, he works on architecture, design, and helps the electrical team, and is involved in computer vision and robotics. In addition, he’s been a years-long contributor of numerous projects associated with Arizona State University, including “Adaptive Model Predictive Controller (Adaptive MPC) for an autonomous vehicle steering system” and “System Modelling of a Dorr-Oliver Lime Mud Reburning Calciner.” Dedicated to his field, he serves as a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Robotics Association and was recognized with a Small Business Innovation Research Award from the National Scientific Foundation.

Looking toward the future, Mr. Vurelli is optimistic that their product will be on the market soon. He recently visited the NASDAQ Exchange in New York City; Monogram Technologies is in the process of broadening its scope to include a wider range of health services. Their work involves ongoing collaboration with surgeons to gather feedback and ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
