Title: Full Stack Software Engineer
Company Name: Blue Tiger
Industry: Software Engineering
Company City/Company State: Prineville, OR
Education: MS in Information Technology, Concentration in Web Design and Development, University of Denver (2024); BS in Computer Science, Concentration in Software Engineering, Oregon State University, Cum Laude (2021); Associate of Applied Technology, Central Texas College (2016); AAS in Computer Technology and Computer Systems Technology, Austin Peay State University (2014)
Certifications: Graduate Certificate, Software Design and Programming, University of Denver (2024)
Career History: Full Stack Software Engineer, Blue Tiger (2024-Present); Senior Software Developer, Tripleseat (2022-2024); Full Stack Engineer, SDVI Corporation (2021-2023); Software Engineer, Les Schwab Headquarters, LLC (2019-2021); Full Stack Engineer – ASP.NetCore, St. Charles Medical Center, Bend, OR (2019); Director of Information Security, Signal Corps Regimental Association (2011-2018)
Honors/Achievements: Recognized, Student Veteran of America Google Scholar; Selected as a Grace Hopper Scholar and a Randy V. Puckett Scholar; (2) Army Commendation Medals; (4) Army Achievement Medals