Stanley Kovler
Title: Vice President Company: Extreme Networks Education: Executive MBA, Columbia Business School, Columbia University (2011); BBA in Finance and Investments,
Title: Vice President Company: Extreme Networks Education: Executive MBA, Columbia Business School, Columbia University (2011); BBA in Finance and Investments,
Title: Resource Development and Communications Director, Outreach and Marketing Manager Company: Habitat for Humanity Education: Pursuing Doctor of Philosophy in
Title: Opera Singer, Actress, Educator, MIT Residential House Manager, Mansfield University Manager Company: Urban Healthcare Initiative Program (UHIP) Location: Philadelphia,
Corporate Address:
350 RXR Plaza
Uniondale, NY 11556
Alternate Address:
51 John F Kennedy Pkwy Fl
West Short Hills, NJ 07078-2704
1 (908) 673-0100
1 (908) 279-0100
Toll Free: 1 (844) 394-6946
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mon – Thu: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM