Title: Owner

Company: Mrs. Spray Foam, LLC

Location: Grovetown, GA

Education: Associate Degree, Augusta College (2013)

Career History: Owner, Mrs. Spray Foam, LLC (2021-Present)

Karen M. Wikert, MI, Owner at Mrs. Spray Foam, LLC, has been recognized as a Marquis Emerging Leader for their contributions and achievements in the field of home improvement.

Since 2021, Ms. Wikert has excelled as the owner of a family-run spray polyurethane foam and insulation business based in Grovetown, Georgia. The company, which emerged amid the COVID-19 pandemic, offers services to those seeking to maximize their heating and cooling efficiency; lower their energy cost; reduce their moisture infiltration and air leakage; improve their air quality; and minimize their noise level. A proud member of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance and manufacturer certified, she has led the business to success, becoming a finalist for the National Industry Excellence Award and earning a Grand Prize at Spray Foam World Wide in 2022.

The company emerged amid the COVID-19 pandemic; Ms. Wikert lost her job and began working alongside her husband, Wes, who has long been active in commercial roofing and has been spraying foam since 2015. Paying more attention to indoor air quality during this time, they explored the benefits of spray foam insulation—utilizing it in their house, retrofitting the interior, removing their old installations in the attic, and witnessing the stark difference it made in indoor air quality. They realized there was a market for it. Together, the Wikert family has provided their customers with high-quality work, integrity, and overall satisfaction.

Looking ahead to the future, Ms. Wikert strives to have a large warehouse or site and begin distributing foams in the area.

Spray Foam Magazine

Mrs. Spray Foam