Title: Disease Investigator/ Medical Doctor

Company: Kindred Healthcare

Location: Sanford, IL

Education: MPH, The George Washington University, (2017–2020); MD, Spartan Health Sciences University, School of Medicine, (2013–2019); BS in Biological Sciences, Minor in Chemistry, Saint Leo University, (2007–2011); AA in Biology, SALCC, (2005–2007)

Career History: Disease Investigator, Lacuna Health, Kindred Healthcare, Kentucky, (2020-Present); Regional Duty Officer/Responder, American Red Cross, Central Florida, (2019–Present); Medical Student Intern, Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2018-2019); Medical Student Intern, Larkin Community Hospital, Miami, FL, (2017–2018)

Kamille Garness, Disease Investigator and Medical Doctor at Kindred Healthcare, has been recognized as a Marquis Emerging Leader for their contributions and achievements in the field of medicine.

From an early age, Dr. Garness knew she was destined to go into the medical field. She showed a natural proclivity toward helping others, and through her early academic years became more and more fascinated by the human body and how it works. In the spirit of helping others, she first earned an AA in biology at SALCC prior to receiving a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences, with a minor in chemistry from Saint Leo University. In 2019, she received an MD from Spartan Health Sciences University and has continued to receive an MPH from George Washington University in 2020.

Since 2020, Dr. Garness has provided her skills and expertise as a disease investigator for Lacuna Health and Kindred Healthcare. In this respect, she checks with people in isolation and quarantine due to Covid-19 through phone calls and tracks their contacts. In addition, she is a regional duty officer and responder with the American Red Cross. She previously worked as a medical student intern at Weiss Memorial Hospital and Larkin Community Hospital. Supplementing her work is a variety of certifications. In 2020, she received Covid-10 Contact Tracing certification from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. That same year, she completed the 12 Keys to Successful Grant Writing program from the George Washington University-Milken Institute of Public Health. Furthermore, in 2021. Dr. Garness became certified in Public Health (CPH) from the National Board of Examiners. Additionally, she is CPR/AED/and First Aid certified through the American Red Cross.

In recognition of her work, Dr. Garness has received a number of accolades. These accolades include the Gold Presidential Service Award in 2020, including in the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society in 2019, and the Sarah Hopkins Awards for Women: Rising Star, Humanitarian Award from the American Red Cross in 2018. Additionally, she was admitted to the Golden Key International Honor Society in 2018, Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities in 2011, Delta Epsilon Sigma in 2010, the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society in 2008, and the National Society of Leadership and Success in 2008. Looking toward the future, Dr. Garness intends to open her own practice and continue helping people.
