Title: Research and Development Engineer

Company: Gaia Energy Research Institute

Education: BS in Chemical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2024)

Career History: Research And Development Engineer, Gaia Energy Research Institute (2024-Present); Engineer, Energy and Climate Analysis Intern, KeyLogic (2023-Present); Undergraduate Research Assistant, MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) (2021); Undergraduate Research Assistant, MIT Energy Initiative (2021); Instructor, Mathnasium LLC (2019-2021)

Graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2024 with a degree in chemical engineering and mathematics, Joshua Curtis Kuffour has accumulated years of firsthand experience in the energy industry. With specialization in techno-economic modeling of energy systems, numerical methods, and multiphase fluid mechanics, he’s lent his knowledge as an instructor at Mathnasium LLC and an undergraduate research assistant at MIT Energy Initiative. In addition, he’s been active in various work environments ranging from research and development to consulting. While at MIT, his mentors included Wendy Duan, who ignited his passion for the industry, and Dr. April Erickson, an associate of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, who helped to advance his career with thoughtful, innovative ideas and suggestions.

Mr. Kuffour has found success as an engineer and energy and climate analysis intern at KeyLogic since 2023—where he notably developed and coded a Python tool to replace existing Excel spreadsheets—and is well on his way to becoming a full-time general engineer there. In addition, he’s excelled as a research and development engineer at Gaia Energy Research Institute since 2024. In the latter capacity, he observes the techno-economics of battery systems, writes reports, and conducts general research on energy systems and chemical processes.

It all began for Mr. Kuffour when he was in seventh grade and watched an Al Gore documentary titled “An Inconvenient Truth,” which educated people about the realities and effects of global warming. It sparked his interest and he wanted to learn as much as possible throughout high school and college about the issues and how he could utilize his knowledge to help. He took many classes, including math, engineering, and computer science, and eventually stumbled into the field.

Looking ahead, he intends to publish a book and establish a running podcast in the next five years. He also aspires to transition toward the educational sector, potentially taking up a lecturing role at a community college or a teaching position at a high school. In addition, he wants to expand his knowledge in his current field, particularly in the area of energy.
