Title: Head of Generative AI, Google Public Sector
Company Name: Google
Industry: Computational and Cognitive Linguistics
Company City/Company State: Mico/TX
Certifications: Certified Ethical Hacker, ISC2 (2017); Network + ce, CompTIA (2014); Security + ce, CompTIA (2014); Information Systems Security Professional Course, Syracuse University (2014); Open Source Fundamentals Certificate of Training, Open Source Academy
Career History: Generative AI Lead, Google Public Sector (2024-Present); Technical Consultant, Bastet Consulting (2021-Present); Generative AI Lead, State and Local Government, Google (2024); Practice Lead, AI and Machine Learning, Google (2022-2024); President, The Data Ethics Consortium for Security (2021-2022); Chief Innovation Officer, Anno.Ai (2019-2022); Chief Data Ethics Officer, Anno.Ai (2021-2022); Chief Product Officer, Anno.Ai (2020-2021); Cyber Operations Integrator, OSINT Analyst, Targeter, USSOCOM JTF (2015-2021); Google Cloud Platform Customer Engineer (2017-2019); Translator and Interpreter Manager, Military Intelligence Readiness Command, U.S. Army Reserve (2013-2016); Instructor, General Dynamics Mission Systems (2015)
Creative Works: Author, “Nadiri, A Novel Part I”; Author, “An Approach to Machine Learning in Cyber Defense for the Department of Defense”
Honors/Achievements: GenAI MVP Award, Google (2024); Cloud Club Top Performer Awardee, Google (2024); Bronze Star with Valor Device; Distinguished Meritorious Service Medal; ARCOM with Valor Device; Joint Service Commendation Medal; (2) Army Achievement Medals; National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star